If used interactively, the function shows a widget of all data in the trial
as a tree of field names and values. The widget opens in the default browser.
Fields names and values can be search and selected. Selected fields can be
copied to the clipboard for use with function dbGetFieldsIntoDf.
The trial is retrieved with ctrLoadQueryIntoDb if no database
is provided or if the trial is not in database con
- identifier
A trial identifier string
- con
A database connection object, created with
. See section `1 - Database connection` in ctrdata.
dbc <- nodbi::src_sqlite(
dbname = system.file("extdata", "demo.sqlite", package = "ctrdata"),
collection = "my_trials",
flags = RSQLite::SQLITE_RO)
# all such identifiers work
id <- "2014-003556-31"
id <- "2014-003556-31-SE"
id <- "76463425"
id <- "ISRCTN76463425"
id <- "NCT03431558"
id <- "2022-501142-30-00"
# the id also works with
# ctrGetQueryUrl(url = id) and
# ctrLoadQueryIntoDb(queryterm = id, ...)
# show widget for user to explore and search content as well as to
# select fields of interest and to click on "Copy names of selected
# fields to clipboard..." to use them with dbGetFieldsIntoDf()
ctrShowOneTrial(identifier = id, con = dbc)
#> Error in utils::browseURL(tf): 'browser' must be a non-empty character string
# get sample of identifiers of trials in database
sample(dbFindIdsUniqueTrials(con = dbc), 5L)
#> Searching for duplicate trials...
#> - Getting all trial identifiers...
#> (may take some time)...
#> , 31 found in collection
#> - Finding duplicates among registers' and sponsor ids...
#> - 2 EUCTR _id were not preferred EU Member State record for 9 trials
#> - Keeping 5 / 3 / 8 / 8 / 5 records from CTGOV2 / EUCTR / CTGOV / ISRCTN / CTIS
#> = Returning keys (_id) of 29 records in collection "my_trials"
#> "20343063" "2014-002606-20-PT" "2014-003556-31-SE" "80181452"
#> "NCT03876704"