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Retrieves information on clinical trials from registers and stores it in a collection in a database. Main function of ctrdata for accessing registers. A collection can store trial information from different queries or different registers. Query details are stored in the collection and can be accessed using dbQueryHistory. A previous query can be re-run, which replaces or adds trial records while keeping any user annotations of trial records.


  queryterm = NULL,
  register = "",
  querytoupdate = NULL,
  forcetoupdate = FALSE,
  euctrresults = FALSE,
  euctrresultshistory = FALSE,
  ctgov2history = FALSE,
  documents.path = NULL,
  documents.regexp = "prot|sample|statist|sap_|p1ar|p2ars|icf|ctalett|lay|^[0-9]+ ",
  annotation.text = "",
  annotation.mode = "append",
  only.count = FALSE,
  con = NULL,
  verbose = FALSE,



Either a string with the full URL of a search query in a register, or the data frame returned by the ctrGetQueryUrl or the dbQueryHistory functions, or, together with parameter register, a string with query elements of a search URL. The query details are recorded in the collection for later use to update records. For "CTIS", queryterm can be an empty string to obtain all trial records. For automatically copying the user's query of a register in a web browser to the clipboard, see here


String with abbreviation of register to query, either "EUCTR", "CTGOV2", "ISRCTN" or "CTIS". Not needed if queryterm provides a full URL to query results.


Either the word "last", or the row number of a query in the data frame returned by dbQueryHistory that should be run to retrieve any new or update trial records since this query was run the last time. This parameter takes precedence over queryterm. For "EUCTR", updates are available only for the last seven days; the query is run again if more time has passed since it was run last. Does not work with "CTIS" at this time.


If TRUE, run again the query given in querytoupdate, irrespective of when it was run last. Default is FALSE.


If TRUE, also download available results when retrieving and loading trials from EUCTR. This slows down this function. (For "CTGOV2" and "CTIS", available results are always retrieved and loaded into the collection.)


If TRUE, also download available history of results publication in "EUCTR." This is quite time-consuming. Default is FALSE.


For trials from CTGOV2, retrieve historic versions of the record. Default is FALSE, because this is a time-consuming operation. Use n for n from all versions (recommended), 1 for the first (original) version, -1 for the last-but-one version, "n:m" for the nth to the mth versions, or TRUE for all versions of the trial record to be retrieved. Note that for register CTIS, historic versions were available in the `applications` field only before the register's relaunch on 2024-06-17.


If this is a relative or absolute path to a directory that exists or can be created, save any documents into it that are directly available from the register ("EUCTR", "CTGOV2", "ISRCTN", "CTIS") such as PDFs on results, analysis plans, spreadsheets, patient information sheets, assessments or product information. Default is NULL, which disables saving documents. For "EUCTR", sets euctrresults = TRUE since documents are available only with results.


Regular expression, case insensitive, to select documents by filename, if saving documents is requested (see documents.path). If set to NULL, empty placeholder files are saved for every document that could be saved. Default is "prot|sample|statist|sap_|p1ar|p2ars|icf|ctalett|lay|^[0-9]+ ". Used with "CTGOV2", "ISRCTN" and "CTIS" (for "EUCTR", all documents are downloaded since they are few and have non-canonical filenames.)


Text to be including into the field "annotation" in the records retrieved with the query that is to be loaded into the collection. The contents of the field "annotation" for a trial record are preserved e.g. when running this function again and loading a record of a with an annotation, see parameter annotation.mode.


One of "append" (default), "prepend" or "replace" for new annotation.text with respect to any existing annotation for the records retrieved with the query that is to be loaded into the collection.


Set to TRUE to return only the number of trial records found in the register for the query. Does not load trial information into the database. Default is FALSE.


A connection object, see section `Databases` in ctrdata.


Printing additional information if set to TRUE; default is FALSE.


Do not use (capture deprecated parameters).


A list with elements `n` (number of trial records newly imported or updated), `success` (a vector of _id's of successfully loaded records), `failed` (a vector of identifiers of records that failed to load) and `queryterm` (the query term used). The returned list has several attributes (including database and collection name, as well as the query history of this database collection) to facilitate documentation.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{

dbc <- nodbi::src_sqlite(collection = "my_collection")

# Retrieve protocol- and results-related information
# on two specific trials identified by their EU number
  queryterm = "2005-001267-63+OR+2008-003606-33",
  register = "EUCTR",
  euctrresults = TRUE,
  con = dbc

# Count ongoing interventional cancer trials involving children
# Note this query is a classical CTGOV query and is translated
# to a corresponding query for the current CTGOV2 webinterface
  queryterm = "cond=cancer&recr=Open&type=Intr&age=0",
  register = "CTGOV",
  only.count = TRUE,
  con = dbc

# Retrieve all information on more than 40 trials
# that are labelled as phase 3 and that mention
# either neuroblastoma or lymphoma from ISRCTN,
# into the same collection as used before
  queryterm = paste0(
  con = dbc

# Retrieve information trials in CTIS mentioning neonates
  queryterm = paste0("",
  con = dbc
} # }