Extracts query parameters and register name from parameter `url` or from the clipboard, into which the URL of a register search was copied.
- url
URL such as from the browser address bar. If not specified, clipboard contents will be checked for a suitable URL. For automatically copying the user's query of a register in a web browser to the clipboard, see here. Can also contain a query term such as from dbQueryHistory()["query-term"].
- register
Optional name of register (one of "EUCTR", "CTGOV2" "ISRCTN" or "CTIS") in case `url` is a query term but not a full URL
A data frame (or tibble, if tibble
is loaded)
with column names `query-term` and `query-register`.
The data frame (or tibble) can be passed as such as parameter
`query-term` to ctrLoadQueryIntoDb and as parameter
`url` to ctrOpenSearchPagesInBrowser.
# user copied into the clipboard the URL from
# the address bar of the browser that shows results
# from a query in one of the trial registers
if (interactive()) try(ctrGetQueryUrl(), silent = TRUE)
# extract query parameters from search result URL
# (URL was cut for the purpose of formatting only)
url = paste0(
#> * Appears specific for CTGOV Classic website
#> Since 2024-06-25, the classic CTGOV servers are no longer available. Package ctrdata has translated the classic CTGOV query URL from this call of function ctrLoadQueryIntoDb(queryterm = ...) into a query URL that works with the current CTGOV2. This is printed below and is also part of the return value of this function, ctrLoadQueryIntoDb(...)$url. This URL can be used with ctrdata functions. Note that the fields and data schema of trials differ between CTGOV and CTGOV2.
#> Replace this URL:
#> https://classic.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/results?term=AREA%5BMaximumAge%5D+RANGE%5B0+days%2C+28+days%5D&type=Intr&intr=Drugs%2C+Investigational&phase=2&strd_s=01%2F01%2F2015&strd_e=01%2F01%2F2016
#> with this URL:
#> https://clinicaltrials.gov/search?start=2015-01-01_2016-01-01&term=AREA[MaximumAge] RANGE[0 days, 28 days]&intr=Drugs, Investigational&aggFilters=phase:3,studyType:int
#> * Found search query from CTGOV2: start=2015-01-01_2016-01-01&term=AREA[MaximumAge] RANGE[0 days, 28 days]&intr=Drugs, Investigational&aggFilters=phase:3,studyType:int
#> query-term
#> 1 start=2015-01-01_2016-01-01&term=AREA[MaximumAge] RANGE[0 days, 28 days]&intr=Drugs, Investigational&aggFilters=phase:3,studyType:int
#> query-register
#> 1 CTGOV2
#> * Found search query from EUCTR: query=2007-000371-42
#> query-term query-register
#> 1 query=2007-000371-42 EUCTR
#> * Found search query from CTIS: searchCriteria={"number":"2022-500041-24-00"}
#> query-term query-register
#> 1 searchCriteria={"number":"2022-500041-24-00"} CTIS
#> * Appears specific for CTGOV Classic website
#> * Note: 'url' shows a single trial (and is returned by the function) but also had search parameters: If interested in search results, click 'Return to List' in browser and use this as 'url'.
#> Since 2024-06-25, the classic CTGOV servers are no longer available. Package ctrdata has translated the classic CTGOV query URL from this call of function ctrLoadQueryIntoDb(queryterm = ...) into a query URL that works with the current CTGOV2. This is printed below and is also part of the return value of this function, ctrLoadQueryIntoDb(...)$url. This URL can be used with ctrdata functions. Note that the fields and data schema of trials differ between CTGOV and CTGOV2.
#> Replace this URL:
#> https://classic.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/results?term=NCT01492673
#> with this URL:
#> https://clinicaltrials.gov/search?term=NCT01492673
#> * Found search query from CTGOV2: term=NCT01492673
#> query-term query-register
#> 1 term=NCT01492673 CTGOV2
#> * Appears specific for CTGOV Classic website
#> * Note: 'url' shows a single trial (and is returned by the function) but also had search parameters: If interested in search results, click 'Return to List' in browser and use this as 'url'.
#> Since 2024-06-25, the classic CTGOV servers are no longer available. Package ctrdata has translated the classic CTGOV query URL from this call of function ctrLoadQueryIntoDb(queryterm = ...) into a query URL that works with the current CTGOV2. This is printed below and is also part of the return value of this function, ctrLoadQueryIntoDb(...)$url. This URL can be used with ctrdata functions. Note that the fields and data schema of trials differ between CTGOV and CTGOV2.
#> Replace this URL:
#> https://classic.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/results?term=NCT01492673
#> with this URL:
#> https://clinicaltrials.gov/search?term=NCT01492673
#> * Found search query from CTGOV2: term=NCT01492673
#> query-term query-register
#> 1 term=NCT01492673 CTGOV2
#> * Appears specific for CTGOV REST API 2.0
#> * Note: 'url' shows a single trial (and is returned by the function) but also had search parameters: If interested in search results, click on 'Search Results' in browser and use this as 'url'.
#> * Found search query from CTGOV2: id=NCT01467986
#> query-term query-register
#> 1 id=NCT01467986 CTGOV2
#> * Found search query from ISRCTN: q=ISRCTN70039829
#> query-term query-register
#> 1 q=ISRCTN70039829 ISRCTN