Trial concept calculated: status of recruitment at the time of loading the trial records. Maps the categories that are in fields which specify the state of recruitment. Simplifies the status into three categories.
- df
data frame such as from dbGetFieldsIntoDf. If `NULL`, prints fields needed in `df` for calculating this trial concept, which can be used with dbGetFieldsIntoDf.
data frame with columns `_id` and `.statusRecruitment`, which is a factor with levels `ongoing` (includes active, not yet recruiting; temporarily halted; suspended; authorised, not started and similar), `completed` (includes ended; ongoing, recruitment ended), `ended early` (includes prematurely ended, terminated early) and `other` (includes revoked, withdrawn, planned, stopped).
# fields needed
#> $euctr
#> [1] "trialInformation.globalEndOfTrialPremature"
#> [2] "trialInformation.isGlobalEndOfTrialReached"
#> [3] "p_end_of_trial_status"
#> $ctgov
#> [1] "last_known_status" "overall_status"
#> $ctgov2
#> [1] "protocolSection.statusModule.overallStatus"
#> $isrctn
#> [1] "participants.recruitmentEnd"
#> [2] "participants.recruitmentStart"
#> [3] "participants.recruitmentStatusOverride"
#> $ctis
#> [1] "authorizedApplication.memberStatesConcerned.mscName"
#> [2] "mscTrialNotificationsInfoList.mscNotificationsListInfo.notificationType"
#> [3] ""
#> [4] "ctPublicStatusCode"
#> [5] "ctStatus"
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# apply trial concept when creating data frame
dbc <- nodbi::src_sqlite(
dbname = system.file("extdata", "demo.sqlite", package = "ctrdata"),
collection = "my_trials", flags = RSQLite::SQLITE_RO)
trialsDf <- dbGetFieldsIntoDf(
calculate = "f.statusRecruitment",
con = dbc)
} # }