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Trial concept calculated: number of active arms with different investigational medicines, after excluding comparator, auxiliary and placebo arms / medicines. For ISRCTN, this is imprecise because arms are not identified in a field. Most registers provide no or only limited information on phase 1 trials, so that this number typically cannot be calculated for these trials. Requires packages stringdist to be installed; stringdist is used for evaluating names of active substances, which are considered similar when the similarity is 0.8 or higher.


f.numTestArmsSubstances(df = NULL)



data frame such as from dbGetFieldsIntoDf. If `NULL`, prints fields needed in `df` for calculating this trial concept, which can be used with dbGetFieldsIntoDf.


data frame with columns `_id` and `.numTestArmsSubstances`, an integer


# fields needed
#> $euctr
#> [1] "e81_controlled"                            
#> [2] "e816_cross_over"                           
#> [3] "e817_other"                                
#> [4] "e8171_other_trial_design_description"      
#> [5] "e822_placebo"                              
#> [6] "e823_other"                                
#> [7] "e8231_comparator_description"              
#> [8] "e824_number_of_treatment_arms_in_the_trial"
#> $ctgov
#> [1] "arm_group.arm_group_type"
#> $ctgov2
#> [1] "protocolSection.designModule.designInfo.interventionModel"
#> [2] "protocolSection.armsInterventionsModule.armGroups.type"   
#> $isrctn
#> [1] "trialDesign.studyDesign"        "trialDesign.primaryStudyDesign"
#> $ctis
#> [1] "authorizedPartI.productRoleGroupInfos.productRoleName"                      
#> [2] "authorizedApplication.authorizedPartI.productRoleGroupInfos.productRoleName"

if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{

# apply trial concept when creating data frame
dbc <- nodbi::src_sqlite(
  dbname = system.file("extdata", "demo.sqlite", package = "ctrdata"),
  collection = "my_trials", flags = RSQLite::SQLITE_RO)
trialsDf <- dbGetFieldsIntoDf(
  calculate = "f.numTestArmsSubstances",
  con = dbc)
} # }