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Trial concept calculated: Calculates if record is a medicine-interventional trial, investigating one or more medicine, whether biological or not. For EUCTR and CTIS, this corresponds to all records as per the definition of the EU Clinical Trial Regulation. For CTGOV and CTGOV2, this is based on drug or biological as type of intervention, and interventional as type of study. For ISRCTN, this is based on drug or biological as type of intervention, and interventional as type of study.


f.isMedIntervTrial(df = NULL)



data frame such as from dbGetFieldsIntoDf. If `NULL`, prints fields needed in `df` for calculating this trial concept, which can be used with dbGetFieldsIntoDf.


data frame with colums `_id` and `.isMedIntervTrial`, a logical.


# fields needed
#> $euctr
#> [1] "ctrname"
#> $ctgov
#> [1] "intervention.intervention_type" "study_type"                    
#> $ctgov2
#> [1] "protocolSection.armsInterventionsModule.interventions.type"
#> [2] "protocolSection.designModule.studyType"                    
#> $isrctn
#> [1] "interventions.intervention.interventionType"
#> [2] "trialDesign.primaryStudyDesign"             
#> $ctis
#> [1] "ctrname"

if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{

# apply trial concept when creating data frame
dbc <- nodbi::src_sqlite(
  dbname = system.file("extdata", "demo.sqlite", package = "ctrdata"),
  collection = "my_trials", flags = RSQLite::SQLITE_RO)
trialsDf <- dbGetFieldsIntoDf(
  calculate = "f.isMedIntervTrial",
  con = dbc)
} # }